Compiled by Shab Levy

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This latest version replaces all prior versions of this project. The is arranged chronologically by the year of birth of the artist. Each page is dedicated to one work of art. The list is based primarily on personal preference and non-academic research of some of the most popular works in the history of art. Most examples show work done in the 19th and 20th centuries, with few dating from earlier periods. The research was done using personal art books, catalogs and the internet. However, there is no systematic or otherwise justified reason as to the included selections other than personal preference. I have concentrated only on western art, because this is what I am familiar with, although I have no doubt that classic eastern art and especially the influence of such on western civilization has affected significantly some of these works. According to art historians, modern art started around the 1860s and lasted until the 1970s, and denotes the style and philosophy of the art produced during that era. The term is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been set aside and replaced with a spirit of experimentation. After the 1970s modern art is often called Contemporary or Postmodern.

I have included on each page links to Wikipedia, (the Free Encyclopedia on the Internet) about the artist of the work on view. (Click the name of the artist) An alphabetical list of all artists at the end, is part of the PDF.

 I have rationalized my liberal use of images therefore because:

 1. The purpose of this list of images and descriptions is not for commercial use.

2. This is a historically significant visual work that could not be conveyed in words.

3. Inclusion of the images is for information, education and analysis only.

4. The inclusion of the low resolution pictures here adds significantly to this list because these images depict the actual work of art and because only writing about visual art without showing visuals, is not very useful.

5. The images are low resolution copies of facsimiles of the original works and would be

unlikely to impact sales of the originals or of commercial prints based on the originals.

I hope that you will enjoy perusing the images. I would be grateful if you let me know if in your opinion I have made some major errors, or missed an important work of art.

I would like to hear from you. Email me at:

Thank you,

Shab Levy

Portland, Oregon, February 20, 2012